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Monastery "St. George" - v.Kurbinovo

Monastery church ". George "is near the village Kurbinovo Prespa near Lake Prespa on the road Bitola - Resen, the former Roman road Vijay Egnatia, the crossroads" Makaza "separates way Prespa villages on Mount Baba also known as Pelister. In Asamati village, the path divides and one branch leading to the village Kurbinovo. The church is located about two miles above the village, on the slopes of Baba. Environment through which the road passes, which is barely 4 - meter is not as picturesque as the magnificent view of the mountain panorama and especially the magical and almost always peaceful Prespa Lake. Church "St.. George" is a single-nave building with a semicircular apse. The building is 17 meters long and 7 meters wide. This is the largest single-nave church in Macedonia. The west side has a narthex (courtyard where the faithful gather). There are two entrances and is built of stone rather than brick. Founder of composition lintel is fully preserved. Saved only two sacred persons and founder of ssemejstvoto. But the founder and family remain be self fragment of shoes, in shoes that has come to the conclusion that the donor belongs to the secular (pious) aristocracy.

Манастир „Св. Ѓорѓи“ - Курбиново


Church was built in 1191 (12th century), as seen from the inscription over the altar. During the reign of Isaac II Angel. The church is characterized by a specific way of processing facades, now visible only in the lower parts of western and southern wall. After execution of the walls was done plastering and painting of facades in order to achieve a richer look. This type of processing is received by the Byzantine architectural tradition. Church Sts. George's place in the treasury of world values ​​provided by the preserved frescoes. Frescoes of the twelfth century is preserved almost in its entirety, but blighted part of the shows in the first zone of the north wall and the south, and the upper third zona.Spored science, it is the reign of the Byzantine Komnenovcite when in church architecture dominates diversity of architectural forms of churches, particularly ednokorabni with one or even five spiers and it is considered a pure conception Constantinople, or mixed with "provincial" combinations. Kurbinovo not so packed with architecture, but with remarkable frescoes. He Constantinople except pure elements to represent monumental imaginary iconographic layout of the frescoes in separate compositions or figures, has introduced new elements in the capital Constantinople and beyond, nowhere is it so extremely delivered in Macedonia. It is the sense of the reality of the inner experiences of the characters in the dramatic scenes, such as the sufferings of Christ. And, in Nerezi, which is almost a contemporary of Kurbinovo strongly expressed in Sv. Sophia in Ohrid - partly, but "St.. George" in Kurbinovo, it is the dominant element. Here, the linear Komnenos style of art, a fruit (undoubtedly), understandings of local artists and it goes under Baroque versatility. And it is not an obstacle to express the strongest inner experiences, which in the Byzantine art means discovering new spaces umetnosta.Carigradskata refinement of color, unique warm hues and measure spiritualiziranje the characters, as in Nerezi that rise in among the most important monuments of Byzantine art in general, as soon as it comes just Kurbinovo. But here, in Kurbinovo Constantinople concept of moments lost and overwhelm such linearizam and forms, and more match "Province" and it is specifically for local artists. This is evident in the elongated figures and muskulaturni with special elegance, but also very complicated drapes that even translucent characteristic of this very important painting.



Painting of the church began on April 25, 1191. The frescoes are among the finest, most original and overall best preserved frescoes from the period reached us. The work of three anonymous masters Kurbinovo is a continuation of the work of masters Nerezi, although largely seen great originality in style and expression. Until the late 13th century Macedonian painting dominates Komnenos stil.Koncepciski painting is divided in three zones: the first zone is painted individual representations of saints in growth in the second cycle of major holidays, and in the third prophets.The altar in the first zone is painted composition worship of bishops of Christ - Lamb (Melismos), and in the apse konhata Nikopea Virgin flanked on both sides by Archangels Michael and Gabriel. The east wall is painted Annunciation with the Archangel Gabriel (north) and Mary (south). The south wall of the sanctuary painted St. Methodius of Thessaloniki, St.. Thessaloniki and St. Cyril. Cyril of Alexandria.Outside the sanctuary painted a performance of Jesus Christ Irene, and to him and St. Mary. John the Baptist Deisis. The western wall in the first zone are painted representations of women saint: St. Thecla, St.. Five, St. Theodore St. Barbara, St.. Sundays and Holy. Catherine. The north wall is painted representations of [St.. Onuphrius] and Ss. Efrosini and the eastern side of the north wall of St. performance. George. Some compositions: "Ascension", "Annunciation" and "The Meeting of Mary and Elizabeth" include painting of Kurbinovo in the first row of Byzantine art in general.The south wall of the second zone of the altar space presented two scenes with Mary and Elizabeth, and out of the sanctuary cycle continues Nativity, Presentation, Baptism and Resurrection of Lazarus. The western facade of the upper preserved remains of ktitorska composition which is concomitant with frescoes inside. The south facade preserved remains of a cycle dedicated to the life of St. George dating from XIV century. The church is well preserved frescoes of the performance of Ss. Demetrius on horseback from the XVI century painted on the north wall.Program in the church's dogmatic especially meaningful whole, present new scenes and giving special feature. Here especially think the composition worship of Jesus Christ of Senior Day over Assumption on the west wall, and the performance of the Ascension of Christ painted on the east tympanum. The frescoes in the church contains high artistic achievements that are visible in the entire painting. The frescoes is a very strong and consistent dogmatic perfection which contains both new and old art transposition.Today St. George is a cultural monument protected by law.Segment the fresco of Saint Archangel Gabriel "Angel of Kurbinovo" of this church Nadja background nabanknotata 50 Macedonian denars.

Saint Archangel Gabriel Angel of Kurbinovo